CPM Shop Retail Solutions AWARDS - CPM Moscow


CPM shop & retail solutions awards 2024 ― an award in the field of window dressing, retail spaces, as well as the display of fashion retail products, the purpose of which is to unite and identify the most authentic and promising solutions.

➤ Also, as part of the Award, a special shop & retail young event is being held with the support of VIRTU – a competition for young designers and architects.

To stand out from the competitors, to demonstrate substantive thematic solutions to a wide audience of visitors and participants of the exhibition and partner media resources is a serious opportunity provided by participation in the award.

Within the framework of the award, finalists will be determined who can count on professional evaluation of their projects by expert jury members.

➤ The winners will receive a diploma and the right to use the awards for promotional purposes, as well as prizes from partners, organizers and the jury of the CPM shop & retail solutions awards 2024.

at CPM shop & retail solutions awards 2024

  • Representatives of shops and fashion retail chains.
  • Specialists of design companies and design bureaus.
  • University students and graduates of professional courses.
  • Shop window decorators, independent graphic designers, merchandisers.


  • The best commercial installation in a Fashion store window
  • The best fitting area of the store
  • The best Store Concept (sketch)
  • The best design concept of a store less than 150 sq.m. in the Mass market segment
  • The best store design concept is less than 150 sq.m. in the middle segment
  • The best design concept of a store less than 150 sq.m. in the Premium segment
  • The best design concept of a store of more than 150 sq.m. in the Mass market segment
  • The best design concept of the store is more than 150 sq.m. in the middle segment
  • The best design concept of a store of more than 150 sq.m. in the Premium segment


  • The materials of the winners of the CPM shop & retail solutions awards 2023 are not accepted for participation.
  • Both already implemented projects and concepts created no earlier than 2023 are accepted as decisions.
  • All projects submitted for the award are copyright property and are not subject to publication on any resources without the written consent of the authors.
  • Participation in the award is completely free and does not require monetary contributions.

Application requirements:

  • Completed mandatory questions in the application form.
  • 3-5 photo files or sketches of the project (file format: jpg, pdf. Size: not less than 1 MB and not more than 15 MB, horizontal orientation).

at shop & retail young with the support of VIRTU

  • Students (bachelor’s and master’s degrees) and graduate students of architectural and design universities.
  • Young specialists in this field are up to 25 years old.


  • The best design concept for a store of less than 150 sq.m. (shop&retail young).
  • The best design of a fashion store showcase (shop&retail young).

Application requirements:

  • Completed mandatory questions in the application form.
  • A single presentation in PDF format.


  • from February 19 to August 4, 2024


  • from 5 to 11 August, 2024


    Based on the voting results of the expert council members, 2 finalists in each nomination with the highest number of votes will be determined. Subsequently, they will be admitted to the final of the award at the CPM exhibition.

  • from 12 to 27 August, 2024


  • August 28, 2024 at 15.00

    AWARD FINAL AT CPM EXHIBITION at Fashion Show Hall (Pavilion 8.3)

    The jury members will give a detailed assessment and a comprehensive analysis of each finalist, including comments, comments and suggestions, as well as tell why they voted for this or that nominee. The winner in each nomination is the participant with the highest number of votes.

jury members

  • Experts and analysts of merchandising and window dressing agencies.
  • Experts of retail design companies.

Marina Polkovnikova
Founder of the international company WMC Retail. Expert in merchandising and retail design

Natalia Chinenova
Chief Business Technology consultant in retail Fashion Consulting Group. Leading expert in the areas of “Franchising” and “Distribution”

Dmitry Chidirov
Director of the integrator of digital&IT technologies for retail and brands “Electronic Money”

Olga Bolkunova
Founder of RETAIL DESIGN STUDIO and Showcase Design School

Anna Balandina
Expert practitioner in visual merchandising and store design. Founder of the visual communications agency VM Guru International, co-owner of the shop window decor VM Guru

Ivan Solomatin
General Director of the production company hangers ArtPac

Vladimir Itkin
President of VERTU (Development and production of individual retail equipment and POSm for retail and brands)

Sergey Ispolatov
General Director of CTK LIGHTING SYSTEMS

Natalia Gurtikova
Executive Director of the Shop building Center “Torgkomplekt” and the Design Studio “Mannequin”

Ivan Kopylov
Founder of the creative solutions community @fcdprtment, ex-Head of the Creative Department of DLT

Artur Salyakaev
Art entrepreneur, founder of INCRUA jewelry brand and IJA International Jewelry Academy

Dina Yakushina
Organizer and decorator of events (Russia, Europe, Australia), head of the department of storefronts and retail spaces of Azbuka Vkusa

shop & retail young partner



Finalists and winners 2023


  • Nomination: “Implemented space design project”

RedLine (Duty & Shops by RegStaer), Moscow, Vnukovo Airport

  • Nomination: “Retail Space Design Project”

GRIOL, Moscow, Prospekt Mira, 221, bldg. 2, Europolis shopping mall

  • Nomination: “Design of a showcase of clothing and accessories”

Fabian Smith, St. Petersburg, Kirochnaya str., 64

  • Nomination: “Fitting area”

SALON BELYA, SPb, Moscow department Store

  • Nomination: “The design of the Lingerie segment showcase”

Estelle Adony, Moscow, Krasnaya pl., 3, GUM


  • Nomination: “Implemented space design project”

Radical Chic, Moscow, Bolshoy Kozikhinsky lane 19/6

  • Nomination: “Retail Space Design Project”

Visual Merchandising Studio (project: KOKLOK TOPLESS) Lipetsk, Katukova str., 51, Riviera shopping center

  • Nomination: “Design of a showcase of clothing and accessories”

MIUZ Diamonds, Moscow, Tverskaya str., 4

  • Nomination: “Fitting area”

Dita, Krasnoyarsk, Prospekt Mira 111

  • Nomination: “The design of the Lingerie segment showcase”

Blizhnee, Irkutsk, Baikal str. 143